We have been busy in Te Waka Ako getting our winter garden sorted. During the Lockdown and because of the drought, the garden had become dead and empty. So we began by bringing the compost up from our tumble bins (we also stunk out Te Waka Ako for two days as it was a little stinky). Then we added more bags of potting mix to top the garden bed up. Next we planted winter veggie seedlings. We planted kale, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, broccoflower, celery, beans, lettuce, brussel sprouts, chives and parsley. It's looking good!
Before Lockdown we had our green house finished with the wonderful volunteers at our school working bee. Our greenhouse was covered and the clearlite roof was put on. Dave, our fabulous caretaker, has been busy putting in shelves and building a door. Now we can use it to store and raise our seedlings. We have some more winter veggies planted and some Kowhai seedlings that we have grown from the seeds we gathered from Waikowhai Bay.