With our overall learning for 2021 being Taha Tinana - Physical Wellbeing, our syndicate has spent this term focusing on the Olympic Games - Taumahekeheke and the Paralympics - Taumahekehek Motuhake. While this Literacy board was started prior to lockdown, with the Paralympics currently on TV it has been a great time to watch in action people students are investigating or people who they have been inspired by.
Students are required to read available texts and complete different responses to those texts, before then choosing a NZ Paralympian or person who has overcome challenges to investigate in depth. These tasks continued last week and into this week. On Friday students will blog about the athlete they chose to research and create a DLO (digital learning object) on. Check out their individual blogs then.
We have also encouraged them to watch movies with this underlying theme in mind. They have been asked to write reviews and critically think about the challenges, scenarios and messages in these movies.
Kia ora Te Waka Ako. I've seen some of your awesome blog posts recently so it was interesting to see all the mahi you had to do before you got to the blogging stage. I love Cool Runnings. It's one of the only films that has made me cry (when they pick up the sled and carry it over the line and the dad has their T-shirt on). Keep up the awesome learning and keep sharing on your blogs.