Tuesday, 3 March 2020

GAAAP @ Cameron Pools

YAY!! It's that time of the year again! When we get to visit our local Council Pool, Cameron Pool, and participate in the Greater Auckland Aquatic Action Plan. OR GAAAP programme. 

"Greater Auckland Aquatic Action Plan (GAAAP) is a collaborative initiative that coordinates 8-10 professionally delivered Water Skills for Life lessons to primary school children in the greater Auckland region, ensuring the development of fundamental water skills for life." 

That is we visit for 10 sessions of water safety and some swimming tips. 150 students in total from our school go down in 3 different rotations and have 30min lessons. The lessons are paid for by the council and government in the interest of teaching water safety and preventing people from drowning.

Our first session was heaps of fun. We showed what we could do with floating on our front and back, then using the boards to kick and streamline. After the lessons a smaller group of students are doing extra swimming to build up their speed, stamina and swimming techniques to see if they can be entered into our local school swimming zones.


  1. Hello I am Casper from Ahipara school. it looked like you had fun at the Cameron pools. it reminded me of a pool on a cruise ship.do you like the smell of clourine? I hope you had a great time.

  2. Hi my name is Nikau I am from Ahipara school I really liked the pools it makes me feel so jealous and makes me feel like going for a swim in the Ahipara school pool.

  3. Hi I'm Michael from Ahipara school and it looks really cool and the photos are awesome
    and I hope you had a good time.

  4. Hi my name is Kedjron. I from Ahipara school.Your pool is very very cool.It remind me of swimming sports on Wednesday the 18th 2020 this year.


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